
Anno scolastico 2023/2024

La piattaforma per lo staff delle scuole dei paesi partecipanti per comunicare, collaborare, condividere idee



dal 15 Settembre 2023 al 30 Giugno 2024

Descrizione del progetto

Il 15 marzo 2019 la comunità eTwinning ha annunciato che 1.004 scuole hanno ricevuto il Certificato di Scuola eTwinning dopo una procedura di selezione in due parti. Queste scuole sono vere e proprie pioniere e sono state riconosciute leader in aree come:

Questo non è solo un riconoscimento del successo personale dei singoli insegnanti, ma anche dei grandi risultati dei team eTwinning di queste scuole.

eTwinning: la community delle scuole in Europa

eTwinning offre una piattaforma per lo staff (insegnanti, dirigenti scolastici, bibliotecari, ecc…) delle scuole dei paesi partecipanti per comunicare, collaborare, sviluppare progetti e condividere idee; in breve, partecipare alla più entusiasmante community europea di insegnanti.

Progetti del Liceo Bertolucci

Digital Identity – II Year

For the second year partners from 3 different countries (France, Italy and Spain) will work on the impact of digital issues on our life: hindrance or resource?

Digital identity becomes a great challenge for everyone today.
We have to manage our data with an high level of numeric skills.

Networks, energy footprint, eReputation, third-party web tracking, big data, ciphering, obfuscation, dolphin attack, avatar, IOT, IP port mirroring are the new numeric keywords we have to understand.

This investigation will be based on experimentations to carry out the best reading about this subject.
Autonomy, creativity, collaboration, communication and exchange are the capacities we want to spotlight in this project.


Digital Smart City

We want to carry out a survey about all digital skill which are embedded in Smart city.
Our goal is to attend some experiments on [to emphasis the flipped classroom]:

• Communication
• Localization
• Data management [ciphering and deciphering]
• Smart building access control
• Energy management [sustainable smart grid facilities]
• Internet Of Thing experiments

Our point of view is to collaborate with Fablabs and emit Openbadges to improve soft skills recognition.



European Students For Sustainability

Climate change and global warming is engaging young people all over the world and today we can see hundreds of thousands of students in school strikes all over the world, this in the frames of “Friday for future“.

UNICEF has sought to integrate sustainable development into ongoing programs that engage young people in local action and global warming and climate change is also one of the key targets in EU 2020 and in UN: agenda 2030 for sustainable development.

Therefore, there is a need of developing strategies and education-tools in our school systems and as climate changes has no borders there is a need to do this transnational. It is also necessary to make it easier, in the school framework for young people in Europe to find ways to exchange ideas and to collaborate in this field.

This project, when teachers and students from different European countries develop tools and network together promotes this process.



From Our Roots To The Future

This project is part of the Erasmus+KA2 “From our roots to the future”.
The focus of our choice of priorities is to improve our future through giving value to our heritage for saving our environment.

The project is based on three priorities: European cultural heritage: social and educational value, contribution to job creation, to economic growth and social cohesion; social inclusion; integrated approach of instruction and language learning, through innovative learning lines and meaningful methodology.



International Reading Challenge

Our school is promoting reading with a “reading break”.
We would like to open a twinspace in which the students could review what they read in two languages (their mother tongue and another one) in order to share their opinion about what they’ve read.
The aim could be to publish a collaborative magazine about “European Teen Reading” with the best reviews, quizzes, surveys, articles etc…

We could organise competitions.
All teachers are invited, all languages and you do not need to have to invite complete classes but volunteering students.



Feeling powerless with climate inaction?

This project takes a pragmatic approach to the most burning issue of our time: sustainable development. Students will be looking for ways to implement a sustainable lifestyle themselves, influence their own communities and policy makers regarding food production, diets, consumerism, traffic and energy use.
They will learn about the climate challenges and solutions across Europe.

This is an Erasmus+ KA229 school exchange partnership (approved by the Finnish National Agency of Education) involving five upper secondary schools from Austria, Finland, Hungary, Italy, and Wales, the UK.
The participants will collaborate virtually online using TwinSpace and meet face-to-face in project meetings.



Medieval cities – a common history of Europe

A project about the history of medieval cities in Europe.

The aim is to learn and compare the history of cities from different countries and regions based on archival documents, historical monuments and book publications.
The same history had different faces. Are there similarities and differences in the development of medieval cities in various parts of Europe?
Here are the scientific question of this project.

We invite for cooperate partners from all Europe.
We plan to invite partners from various places in Europe to this project.
Each of the patents can propose their own solutions and ideas and change to our proposal. Everyone will have an administrator position.
Each partner can propose and make additional own activities (tasks). The basic tasks have been presented.


N@tives 4.0: growing up in a digital world

This project is aimed to make students aware of the opportunities and the risks of growing up in a digital world.

They will investigate also the skills they have to master for living in the 21st century.
They will prepare a peer to peer campaign for their schoolmates to spread safety-conscious behavior online.
As final products there will be collaborative stories, with mixed group from different countries, where they freely express themselves on these topics, using digital tools.

We want also to improve the use of CLIL teaching through eTwinning projects, some of the schools involved have this issue as the central aim for KA1 mobilities.


Year of the Ludwig van Beethoven

Due to the 250th birthday of Ludwig van Beethoven, one of the most important names in world music history, 2020 is celebrated as Beethoven year all over the world.

His birth day 16-17 December 1770 in Germany/ Bonn





From bits to coding

The project between Liceo Attilio Bertolucci (Parma, Italy) and the Lycée Livet (Nantes, France) will investigate what is computational Thinking and how to use it in everyday life.

The project will be focused on unplugged activities and coding using App Inventor and Python.
Unplugged activities will be useful to stimulate computational thinking without digital devices.

Coding will be helpful to learn to deal with complex problems.
Students will work using the Twinspace but also in the respective schools, where they will meet. The project will be one school year.




Progetto Walking Latin

Progetto Unite Europe2

Progetto realizzato dalla 5C nell’anno scolastico 2018/19 ha per titolo UNITE EUROPE 2 e continua, anche con partners diversi, il lavoro iniziato lo scorso anno scolastico. Invariati i fondatori Anita Hoele, Freiherr-vom-Stein-Schule, Fulda, Germania,  e Adriana Boni, Liceo Scientifico Statale “F. Enriques”, Roma https://live.etwinning.net/projects/project/180279


Progetti Etwinning Tra Il Liceo Bertolucci E Il Lycee Livet Di Nantes

A.S. 2016/17 – 2017/18: Digital Identity and Social Network

The project between the Liceo Attilio Bertolucci (Parma, Italy) and the Lycée Livet (Nantes, France) aims to investigate the significance of digital identity today both from a cultural point of view and scientific-technical. Students will work remotely on confronting these issues regularly either through chat or through mutual visits. The duration will be two school years.




A.S. 2017/18 – 2018/19 – 
Digital Identity: between data transmissions and identity implications.

The project between Liceo Attilio Bertolucci (Parma, Italy) and the Lycée Livet (Nantes, France) will investigate what is identity in the XXI century, in particolar it will underline the importance of the identity in our society in connection with how the datas circulate on the net. Students will work using the twinspace but also in the respective schools, where they will meet. The project will be one school year.




A.S. 2018/19 – 2019/20 – How to manage our Digital Identity?

This is an Erasmus project between Lycée Livet (Nantes – France), Liceo Attilio Bertolucci (Parma – Italy) and INS Ramon de la Torre (Torredembarra – Spain)

Digital identity becomes a great challenge for everyone today.We have to manage our data with an high level of numeric skills. Networks, energy footprint, eReputation, third-party web tracking, big data, ciphering, obfuscation, dolphin attack, avatar, IOT, IP port mirroring are the new numeric keywords we have to understand.This investigation will be based on experimentations to carry out the best reading about this subject.Autonomy, creativity, collaboration, communication and exchange are the capacities we want to spotlight in this project.




A.S. 2016/2017 – 2017/2018 – 2018/2019

Il progetto terminato dalle classi 5B e 5D lo scorso anno scolastico, è parte del programma Horizon2020 – Grant Agreement 649538 – coordinato dalla Prof. Elvira Cicognani del Dipartimento di Psicologia, Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna. Coinvolge nove università e cinque scuole in diversi paesi europei.
Il progetto di ricerca si propone di esaminare il punto di vista dei giovani sull’Europa e il loro ruolo nella costruzione dell’Unione Europea.




A.S. 2017/2018 – 2018/2019

Il progetto terminato dalla classe 4A lo scorso anno scolastico è un progetto europeo Erasmus+ di durata biennale centrato sulle tematiche legate all’ecologia, all’ambiente e all’economia circolare.
Gli studenti che partecipano al progetto sono coinvolti in attività laboratoriali, workshop, conferenze e visite ad aziende, enti ed istituzioni coinvolti in significativi progetti ambientali..





Che cos’è una Scuola eTwinning LINK

Le Scuole eTwinning 2019/2020 LINK


Condivisione di idee ed esperienze, promozione dello sviluppo professionale continuo del personale, promozione di pratiche di apprendimento collaborativo con personale e studenti


Sede del Liceo Scientifico

Via Toscana 10/A - Parma


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